XXXIV. Uluslararası Assiriyoloji Kongresi / XXXIV International Assyriology Congress 6-10/VII/1987 Istanbul
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XXVI. Dizi - Sayı 3
727 s + 213 renkli ve s/b levha, İngilizce, Almanca ve Türkçe makaleler.
- Westenholz, Joan Goodnick / Relations Between Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the Age of the Sargonic Kings
- Luth, Friedrich / Von der Befestigten Siedlung zur Tempelzitadelle. Der vor- und frühdynastische Hügel B von Halawa, Nordsyrien
- Maxwell - Hyslop, KR. / A note on the Purpose and use of Copper-Bronze Axeheads
- Ünal, Ahmet / "Ebediyete İntikal Edecek Şekilde İnşa Edeceksin!" - İple Tavana Tırmanan Hitit Mimarının Cambazlıkları
- Alp, Sedat / Akkadian Names of Some Scribes in the Maşat-Letters
- Hawkins John D. / Hittites and Assyrians at Melid (Malatya)
- Hutter, Manfred / Magie und Religion im Tunnawiya – Ritual KBo XXI ı - KUBIX 34 - KBo XXI 6
- Kuyper, Josef de / Some Aspects Related to Hittite-Accadian Bilinguism in Royal Inscriptions
- Altman, Ammon / On Some Assertions in the 'Historical Prologue' of the Sausgamuwa Vassal Treaty and their Assumed – Legal Meaning
- Howard-Carter, Teresa / Shreds of Anatolian Evidence at Tell Al-Rimah
- Guterbock, Hans G. / To Drink a God
- Grayson, A. Kirk / Assyrian Expansion into Anatolia in the Sargonid Age (c. 744-650 BC)
- Spek, RJ. Van Der / Land Tenure in Hellenistic Anatolia and
Mesopotamia - Muscarella, Oscar White / Relations Betvveen Phrygia and Assyria in the 8th Century B.C
- Lipinski, Edouard / Gyges et Lygdamis D'Apres Les Sources Neo-Assyriennes et Hebrai'ques
- Yardımcı, Nurettin / Harran
- Erkanal, Hayat / Girnavaz
- George, A.R. / The Day the Earth Divided / A Geological Aetiology in the Babylonian Gilgames Epic
- Erkanal, Armağan / Cudi Dağı Araştırmaları
- Greenfield, Jonas C. / Arameans and Aramak in Anatolia
- Kutscher, Raphael / Toward the Location of Akkade
- Canby, Jean Nyvorys / The Stela of Ur-Nammu Reconsidered
- Yuhong, Wu / Kings of Kazallu and Marad in the Early OB Period....
- Opfermann, Rudolf / War für die Hethiter Yazılıkaya ein "Hekur"?
- Harrak, Amir / Sources Epigraphiques Concernant Les Rapports Entre Assyriens et Hittites a L'âge du Bronze Recent
- Trokay, Madeleine / Relations Artistiques Entre Hittites et Kassites
- Gonnet, Hatice / Remarques sur les Sceaux de Muwatalli II
- Wouters, Werner / Boğazköy / Royal Correspondence Betvveen Assur and Hatti
- Bisi, Anna Maria / Souche Anatolienne Et Influences Exterieures Dans Les Petits Bronzes Hittites
- Kalaç, Mustafa / Kahramanmaraş (14) (Hiyeroglifli Bir Heykel Parçası)
- Bayram, Sabahattin / Kültepe'den Kaçakçılıkla İlgili Yeni Metinler
- Çeçen, Salih / Yeni Delillere Göre Kültepe'de "Kan Parası"
- Efe, Turan / New Concepts on Tarsus-Troy Relations at the
Beginnings of the EB3 Period - Belli, Oktay / Van Gölü'nün Güneyindeki Maden Yataklarının Mezopotamya îçin Önemi
- Finet, Andre / Mari et le Nord
- Tavares, Antonio Augusto / Institutions of the "Children of Het" in Hebron into the Context of Middle East
- Klengel, Horst / Zur Rezeption der Mesopotamischen Keilschrift im Hethitischen Anatolien
- Gordon, Cyrus H. / Personal Names of the "Verb+Deity" Type From Ebla
- Bietak, Manfred / Zur Chronologie der Mittleren Bronzezeit in der Levante
- Müller-Karpe, Andreas / Zum Töpferhandwerk beiden Hethitern
- Atik, Şeniz / İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri'nde Bulunan İ.Ö. EH. Bin Yıllarına Ait Mezopotamya Cam Eserleri
- Bilgi, Önder / Boğumlu Mızrakuçlarının Dağılışının Işığı Altında Anadolu Mezopotamya İlişkileri
- Sevin, Veli / İmikuşağı Kazılarının Işığında Habur Seramiğinin Kuzey Yayılımı
- Curtis, John / British Museum Excavations in the Saddam Dam Salvage Project
- Summers, Geo D. / Tille Höyük / Control of an Euphrates Crossing
- Fortin, Michel / Les Fouilles Canadiennes a Teli Atif (111° MILL.) Sur le Moyen Khabour, en Syrie du Nord
- Donbaz, Veysel / Tablets From the Palace of Warsuma
- Veenhof, Klaas R. / The Chronology of Kârum Kanish. Some New Observations
- Garelli, Paul / Hahhum un Relais Asyrien sur la Route Commerciale de la Cappadoce
- Michel, Cecile / Les Suites de la Mort d'un Tamkaru en Anatolie
- Özgüç, Tahsin / The Palaces of the Old Assyrian Colonial Age
- Bilgiç, Emin / Anatolisch-Assyrische Politische Beziehungen und Eidsprozedur Bei Einhemischer Venvaltung im Lichte der Neuen Kültepe Texte
- Günbattı, Cahit / Karum'lar Arasındaki Mektuplaşmalardan Yeni
Örnekler - Sever, Hüseyin / Köle Satışı Hakkında Yeni Kültepe Metinleri
- Berger, Paul-R. / Die alteste historische Nachricht über Anatolien in der Bibel
- Caramelo, Francisco Jose Gomes / War Motivations of the Hebrew People in Face of the Neo-Babylonic Offensive
- Artzi, Pinhas / Amarna Document 16
- Mazzoni, Stefania / The Syro-Anatolian Common Glyptic Styles - Some Remarks
- Fiema, Ewa / New Look at the Sacral Architecture of Anatolia During Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Period
- Muhly, J.D. - Stech, Tamara - Maddin, Robert / Çayönü and the Beginnings of Metallurgy in Anatolia and Mesopotamia
- Yener, K. A. - Özbal, H. - Barnes, L. - Brill, R.H.- Joel, E.C. / Anatolian Metal Trade and Lead Isotope Analysis
- Aksoy, Behin / Prehistoric and Early Historic Pottery of the Bolkardağ Mining District
- Vanspithout, H.L.J. / Comparative Notes on Sar tamhâri
- Ellis, Maria De Jong / Old Babylonian Texts from the Diyala Region / Problems of Archival Reconstruction
- Tuman, Vladimir S. / Astrological Omens from Lunar Eclipses as a Source for Babylonian Chronology
- Simpson, Elizabeth / Symbols on the Gordion Screens
- Scholz, Bernard / Korruption im Seleukidischen Uruk?
- Ellis, Richard S. / Excavations at Gritille
- Esin, Ufuk / Die Tempel von Değirmentepe Wahrend der Chalkolithischen Obeidperiode
- Loon, Mauritis Van / The 1986 Excavation at Hammam et-Turkman
- Carter, Elizabe / An Interpretation of the Middle Elamite Remains from Anshan, Tall-i Malyan, Iran
- Orchard, JJ. & J.C. / The work of the University of Birmingham Archaeological Expedition to the Sultanate of Oman, 1980-1986
- Kull, Brigitte / Middle Bronze Age Occupation at Demircihüyük
- Jadir, Walid Al / Decouverte D'une Bibliotheque dans le Temple de la Ville de Sippar (Abu Habbah)
- Fadhil, Abdullillah / Der Prolog des Codex Hammurabi in einer Abschrift aus Sippar