The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery
The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery

The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery

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275 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce.

The site of Tell al Rimah lies at the northern edge of the Iraqi Jazirah. It is noted in particular for its elaborately ornamented Old Babylonian temple and its unique evidence for third millennium BC vaulting techniques. The site was occupied throughout the second and third millennia BC and, briefly, during Late Assyrian times. This volume presents the complete repertoire of second and first millennium pottery, together with a summary of the history and stratigraphy of the site. This material, which is both extensive and unusually well dated owing to its association with cuneiform evidence, constitutes by far the largest publication of Middle and Late Bronze Age (Old Babylonian, Mitanni and Middle Assyrian) pottery from Northern Mesopotamia. The book will be a valuable resource of information for sites throughout the region.

The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery THE EXCAV The Excavations at Tell Al Rimah. The Pottery