270 s, s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce ve Almanca makeleler.
Teil A: Troia und Troas - Aktuelle Ausgrabungen und Umfeld
1. Troia, Grabungsberichte
- Korfmann, Manfred / Troia - Ausgrabungen 1995
- Jablonka, Peter / Ausgrabungen im Süden der Unterstadt von Troia im Bereich des Troia VI-Verteidigungsgrabens Grabungsbericht 1995
- Rose, Charles Brian / The 1995 Post-Bronze Age Research and Excavations at Troia
- Riorden, Elizabeth / Three-Dimensional Aided Drafting (CAD) in Anastylosis: A Case-Study at the Odeion 2. Troia, Kleinfund- und Keramikuntersuchungen
- Hawkins, J. David and Donald F. Easton / A Hieroglyphic Seal from Troia
- Fisher, Susan McMullen / Troia "G2/3 Ware" Revisited
- Barr, Amy E. / Horse and Rider Plaques at Ilion. A preliminary Study of the Hellenistic Hero Cult in Asia Minor
- Barr, Regan L / Greek and Hellenistic Lamps from Ilion
- Cohen, Getzel M. / A Dedication to the Samothracian Gods
- Pontes, Herman / Inscriptiones Iliacae: Two Epigraphical Notes from Ilion
3. Der Naturraum
- Fabis, Marian / Archaeofaunal Remains from the Lower Sanctuary. A Preliminary Report on the 1994 Excavations
- Krönneck, Petra / Vogelknochen aus Troia. Ein Beitrag zur Umweltrekonstruktion
Teil B: Weitere Forschungen Troas
- Kayan, Ilhan / Holocene Stratigraphy of the Lower Karamenderes-Dümrek Plain and Archaeological Material in the Alluvial Sediments to the North of the Troia Ridge
- Sevinc, Nurten / A New Sarcophagus of Polyxena from the Salvage Excavations at Gümüscay
- Danksagung - Acknowledgements