Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area
Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area

Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area

Proceedıngs Of The Icopag Conference, Ioannına
2.400,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9780904887341
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

375 s, İngilizce, Yunanca özetler

Sahaf ürünüdür.

Thirty-four papers, by leading scholars, are presented here - the publication of the Proceedings of the ICOPAG Conference, Ioannina, September 1994. They are divided into the following sections: The Lower Palaeolithic: Greece in broader perspective; The Palaeolithic of Epirus; The Palaeolithic of Central and Northern Greece: the evidence from Thrace and Thessaly; The Palaeolithic of the Ionian Islands and the Peloponnese; Upper Palaeolithic: the view from the Balkans.

Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area 9780904887341 Palaeolithic Archaeology of Greece and Adjacent Area