John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition)
John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition)

John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition)

ISBN-ISSN: 9780956594860
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Kategori: Tarih

152 s, monokrom fotoğraflar, İngilizce.

Still virtually unknown, JOHN HENRY HAYNES (1849–1910) is the father of American archaeological photography. His travels took him from Athens to Istanbul and on to Mesopotamia. In this landmark study, now revised with additional unpublished photographs, Robert G. Ousterhout assesses his unique blend of artistry and documentation. 

John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition) John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition) 9780956594860 John Henry Haynes A Photographer and Archaeologist in the Ottoman Empire 1881–1900 (2nd Edition)