Guide for Coins Commonly Found at Anatolian Excavations. Roman (A.D. 238-498)

%20 İndirim
90,00 TL 72,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9789756561027
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Numismatik
En geç 29 Ocak Çarşamba günü kargoya verilir.

Designed to assist archaeologists unfamiliar with Roman coinage commonly discovered on Anatolian excavations, this guide enables the user to quickly identify coins as they emerge from the ground. Line drawings of specimens, dynastic charts, inscription lits and catalogues of mint places allow accurate, on-the-spot classification by period, ruler, mint and type. The handbook also includes bibliographical information to assist scholars in further research and in preparing newly excavated coins for publication.

43 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce.

Guide for Coins Commonly Found at Anatolian Excavations. Roman (A.D. 238-498) Guide for Coins Commonly Found at Anatolian Excavations. Roman (A.D. 238-498) 9789756561027 Guide for Coins Commonly Found at Anatolian Excavations. Roman (A.D. 238-498)