Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction
Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction

Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction

ISBN-ISSN: 9781472575289
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296 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce.

Assuming no prior knowledge, this book introduces the reader to a selection of sites and temples, exploring them in detail and explaining all technical terms along the way. Intended for college-level students and the interested general reader, this book aims to equip the student of Greek architecture for further study, and can also serve as a handbook for visitors to the sanctuaries.

The book covers many of the most popular sites, including Delphi, Olympia and the Athenian Acropolis. In this second edition there are new chapters on Western Greece, covering the site of Paestum in Magna Graecia (South Italy), and the unique temple of Olympian Zeus in Acragas, Sicily.

The book also offers a concise account of the evolution of Greek architecture, explores aesthetic ideas underlying Greek architectural design, and gives consideration to specific buildings in their social and religious context. This second edition has expanded the discussion of the most important temples and lays emphasis on architectural sculpture as part of the meaning of the whole building.

Along with an updated bibliography and a glossary, an abundance of plans, photos and drawings helps clarify the text.

Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction 9781472575289 Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture: An Introduction