European Journal of Archaeology Volume 17 Number 3 - 2014

ISBN-ISSN: 1461-9571-17-3
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Süreli Yayınlar

574 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce makaleler.



  • Skeates, Robin / Editorial


  • Chapman, John - Mikhail Yu Videiko - Duncan Hale - Bisserka Gaydarska - Natalia Burdo - Knut Rassmann - Carsten Mischka - Johannes Müller - Aleksey Korvin-Piotrovskiy - Volodymyr Kruts / The Second Phase of the Trypillia Mega-Site Methodological Revolution: A New Research Agenda
  • Bréhard, Stéphanie - Valentin Radu - Alexis Martin - Pauline Hanot - Dragomir Popovici - Adrian Balaşescu / Food Supply Strategies in the Romanian Eneolithic: Sheep/Goat Husbandry and Fishing Activities from Hârşova Tell and Borduşani-Popina (5th Millennium bc)
  • Jorge, Ana / Reconnecting the Late Neolithic Social Landscape: A Micro-Regional Study of Objects, Settlements and Tombs from Iberia
  • Dietrich, Oliver / Learning from ‘Scrap’ about Late Bronze Age Hoarding Practices: A Biographical Approach to Individual Acts of Dedication in Large Metal Hoards of the Carpathian Basin
  • Bermejo, Jesús and Alejandro Quevedo / The Fortuna Domus (Cartagena, Spain): An Archaeological Analysis of Household Activities in a Hispano-Roman Colonia
  • Price, Neil and Paul Mortimer / An Eye for Odin? Divine Role-Playing in the Age of Sutton Hoo


  • Stoddart, Simon / Ideologies in Archaeology
  • Romero, Margarita Sánchez / A Companion to Gender Prehistory
  • Salisbury, Roderick B. / Moments in Time: Papers Presented to Pál Raczky on His 60th Birthday
  • Kristiansen, Kristian / Sozialarchäologische Perspektiven: Gesellschaftlicher Wandel 5000–1500 v. Chr.: Zwischen Atlantik und Kaukasus
  • Andersen, Niels H. / Gathering Time: Dating the Early Neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and IrelandBrooks, Alasdair / Historical Archaeology in Central Europe
  • Hall, Mark A. / Magical Treasure Hunting in Europe and North America: A History
  • Abadia, Oscar Moro / Histories of Archaeological Practices: Reflections on Methods, Strategies and Social Organization in Past Fieldwork
  • Díaz-Andreu, Margarita / Darwin's Apprentice: An Archaeological Biography of John Lubbock
European Journal of Archaeology Volume 17 Number 3 - 2014 European Journal of Archaeology Volume 17 Number 3 - 2014 1461-9571-17-3 European Journal of Archaeology Volume 17 Number 3 - 2014