European Journal of Archaeology Volume 16 Number 1 - 2013

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ISBN-ISSN: 1461-9571-16-1
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Kategori: Seriler

217 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce makaleler.



  • Skeates, Robin / Editorial


  • Robinson, Erick - Joris Sergant - Philippe Crombé / Late Mesolithic Armature Variability in the Southern North Sea Basin: Implications for Forager-Linearbandkeramik Contact Models of the Transition to Agriculture in Belgium and the Southern Netherlands
  • Dolfini, Andrea / The Emergence of Metallurgy in the Central Mediterranean Region: A New Model
  • Darvill, Timothy  - Friedrich Lüth - Knut Rassmann - Andreas Fischer - Kay Winkelmann  / Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK: High Resolution Geophysical Surveys in the Surrounding Landscape, 2011
  • Frankel, David - Jennifer M. Webb - Anne Pike-Tay / Seasonality and Site Function in Chalcolithic Cyprus
  • Fernández-Götz, Manuel / Revisiting Iron Age Ethnicity
  • Grupe, Gisela - Claus von Carnap-Bornheim - Cornelia Becker / Rise and Fall of a Medieval Trade Centre: Economic Change from Viking Haithabu to Medieval Schleswig Revealed by Stable Isotope Analysis


  • Karl, Raimund / A History of Central European Archaeology: Theory, Methods, and Politics
  • Orton, David / EthnoZooArchaeology: The Present and Past of Human-Animal Relationships
  • Palincaş, Nona / A Prehistory of Ordinary People
  • García, Rodrigo Villalobos / European Prehistory: A Survey
  • Siegeris, Markus / South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago
  • Culáková, Katarína  / Mesolithic Interfaces – Variability in Lithic Technologies in Eastern Fennoscandia
  • Whittle, Alasdair / Exploring Time and Matter in Prehistoric Monuments: Absolute Chronology and Rare Rocks in European Megaliths
  • Wheatley, David / Round Mounds and Monumentality in the British Neolithic and Beyond
  • Launaro, Alessandro / Regional Pathways to Complexity: Settlement and Land-use Dynamics in Early Italy from the Bronze Age to the Republican Period
  • Hainzmann, Manfred / Celtic from the West: Alternative Perspectives from Archaeology, Genetics, Language and Literature
  • Scopigno, Roberto / The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
  • Cámara, José María Rodrigo / Heritage Management of Farmed and Forested Landscapes in Europe 
European Journal of Archaeology Volume 16 Number 1 - 2013 European Journal of Archaeology Volume 16 Number 1 - 2013 1461-9571-16-1 European Journal of Archaeology Volume 16 Number 1 - 2013