Defterology Revisited. Studies on 15th and 16th Century Ottoman Society

1.026,85 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754283570

Analecta Isisiana CI

232 s, İngilizce.

  • I. “Impropriety and Impiety Among the Early Ottoman Sultans (1351-1451), in The Turkish Studies Association Journal, Vol. 26, Number 2 (Fall 2002), pp. 29-38, 
  • II. “Pushing the Stone Uphill: The Impact of Bubonic Plague on Ottoman Urban Society in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries,” in The Journal of Ottoman Studies (Osmanlı Araştırmaları), Vol. 23/2. Istanbul, 2004. pp. 93-132, 
  • III. “Random Musings on the Origins of Ottoman Charity: From Mekece to Bursa, İznik and Beyond,” in N. Ergin, C. Neumann & A. Singer (Eds.): Feeding People, Feeding Power: Imarets in the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul (Eren Yayınları), 2007. pp. 69-79, 
  • IV. “Some Thoughts on the Meaning of Gaza and Akın in Early Ottoman Usage,” in E. Kermeli & O. Özel (Eds.): The Ottoman Empire: Myths, Realities and ‘Black Holes’ [Contributions in Honour of Colin Imber]. Istanbul (The Isis Press), 2006. pp. 47-50, 
  • V. “The Role of the Bursa Palace in Preparing Bread for the Ot- toman Sultans,” in International Journal of Turkish Studies, Vol. 13, Nos. 1 & 2 (2007), pp. 43-49 BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS, 
  • VI. “A Note on Three Palaiologon Princes as Members of the Ottoman Ruling Elite,” in The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History. Studies in Honor of John C. Alexander. Edited by E. Kolovos. Ph. Kotzageorgis, S. Laiou & M. Sariyannis. Istanbul (The Isis Press), 2007. pp. 279-288, 
  • VII. "From Trabzon to Istanbul: The Relationship Between Süleyman the Lawgiver and His Foster Brother (süt karındaşı) Yahya Efendi," in Osmanlı Araştırmaları (The Journal of Ottoman Studies), Vol. 10 (Istanbul, 1991), pp. 39-48,
  • VIII. "Süleyman's Formative Years in the City of Trabzon: Their Impact on the Future Sultan and the City," in Süleyman the Second and His Time. Ed. by H. İnalcık & C. Kafadar. Istanbul (The Isis Press), 1993. pp. 21-36 URBAN & RURAL HISTORY, 
  • IX. “Ottoman İznik (Nicaea): Through the Eyes of Travelers & as Recorded in Administrative Documents, 1331-1923,” in İznik Throughout History. Edited by İ. Akbaygil, H. İnalcık, & O. Aslanapa. Istanbul (Türkiye İs Bankası), 2003, pp. 135-174,
  • X. "When Did the Sephardim Arrive in Salonica?: The Testimony of the Ottoman Tax-Registers, 1478-1613," in Jews in the Ottoman Empire. Ed. by A. Levy. Princeton (Darwin Press), 1994. pp. 203-214, 
  • XI. “The Fifteenth Century Ottoman ‘Province of the Monks’ (Vilayet-i Keşişlik),” in Humanist and Scholar: Essays in Honor of Andreas Tietze. Ed. by H. Lowry & D. Quataert. Istanbul (The Isis Press), 1993. pp. 15-26
Defterology Revisited. Studies on 15th and 16th Century Ottoman Society Defterology Revisited. Studies on 15th and 16th Century Ottoman Society 9789754283570 Defterology Revisited. Studies on 15th and 16th Century Ottoman Society