Corpus of Ottoman Inscriptions from Albania and Montenegro
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver This book compiles inscriptions of Ottoman Albania The collection consist of 114 inscriptions overhelmingly written on stone, a few wooden inscriptions and a small number of graffiti. The stone inscnptions can be divided into Mo categories the building or renewal inscnptions on certain architectural works and; 2 tombstone inscriptions. A period of 465 years between 1447 and 1912 is cowered. The book is structured as follows. The first part consists of twenty-four inscriptions (1-24) of the first penod of Ottoman Rule in Albania (from the years 1447 until 1730). This part has been ordered chronologically. The first twelve inscriptions (1447-1608) still exist and are traceable. Followed by twelve inscriptions (1608-17$) (13-24) which are only recorded by Evliya Çelebi. The second part contains inscriptions after 1730; they are grouped according to the region where they are coming from. Inscriptions are groiped together according to city limits and city neighborhoods. The hierarchy among the cities is organized as follows: the oldest inscription found m the city ranks the city as first so the oldest inscription after 1730 is from Ergirikasrı (Gyrokastro). This is the first city in the second part and all known inscriptions from Gyrokastro will follow here chronologically each other The second city according to these criteria is Kavaja etc. This method of the hierarchy of the cities gives us next list of cities. Gyrokastro, Kavaja, Oelvina, Peze e Vogel Akçahisar (Kruja), Tirana, Ishkodra, Görçe (Korca), Preza, Libohova, Tepelene, Draç (Ourres), Elbasan and Avlonya (Vlora) This method gives the opportunity to follow chronologically development of inscriptions as well as cities. At the end of this chapter are included 5 inscriptions of AU Pasha Tepedelene and his sons in Istanbul In a separate chapter are included Inscnptions from Montenegro who formed during the Ottoman period part Province or Sanjak of Işkodra. From Montenegro are included 10 building inscriptions and 8 tombstones. In the closing section are included four photographs of tombstones from the rich Marubi photography collection.
311 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce.