Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) Number 358 - May 2010

125,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 0003-097X

96 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce.



  • Parker, Bradley J. - Jason R. Kennedy / A Quantitative Attribute Analysis of the Ubaid-Period Ceramic Corpus from Kenan Tepe
  • Greer, Jonathan S. / An Israelite Mizraq at Tel Dan?
  • Rautman, Marcus / Daniel at Sardis

Review Article

  • Magness, Jodi / The Ancient Synagogue at Nabratein

Book Reviews

  • Rowan, Yorke M. - Jennie R. Ebeling , eds. / New Approaches to Old Stones: Recent Studies of Ground Stone Artifacts (Leslie A. Quintero)
  • Kepinski, Christine - Lecomte, Olivier - Aline Tenu , [eds.] / Studia Euphratica: Le moyen Euphrate iraquien révélé par les fouilles préventives de Haditha (Alice Petty)
  • Dessel, J. P. / Lahav I. Pottery and Politics: The Halif Terrace Site 101 and Egypt in the Fourth Millennium b.c.e (Rafi Greenberg)
  • Taylor, Paul  ed. /The Iconography of Cylinder Seals (Barbara A. Porter)
  • Sparks, Rachael Thyrza / Stone Vessels in the Levant (Yorke M. Rowan)
  • Smith, Joanna S.  ed. / Views from Phlamoudhi, Cyprus (Lindy Crewe)
  • Fischer, Peter M. / Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley , Volume 2: The Middle and Late Bronze Ages (Gerald L. Mattingly)
  • Bartlett, John R. / Mapping Jordan through Two Millennia (Burton MacDonald)
  • Arav, Rami  ed. / Cities through the Looking Glass: Essays on the History and Archaeology of Biblical Urbanism (Ralph K. Hawkins)
  • Johnson, Barbara L. / Ashkelon 2: Imported Pottery of the Roman and Late Roman Periods (Andrea M. Berlin)
  • Sussman, Varda / Oil-Lamps in the Holy Land: Saucer Lamps: From the Beginning to the Hellenistic Period: Collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority (Eric C. Lapp)
  • Ahituv, Shmuel - Anson F. Rainey , tr. and ed. / Echoes from the Past: Hebrew and Cognate Inscriptions from the Biblical Period (Gary A. Rendsburg)
  • Govaars, Marylinda - Marie Spiro - L. Michael White / Field O: The “Synagogue” Site (Barbara Burrell)
  • Crawford, Sidnie White - Amnon Ben-Tor - J. P. Dessel - William G. Dever - Amihai Mazar - Joseph Aviram  eds. / “Up to the Gates of Ekron”: Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin (Jeffrey R. Zorn)
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) Number 358 - May 2010 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) Number 358 - May 2010 0003-097X Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) Number 358 - May 2010