Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008

Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008

449,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 1434-2758-1
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Sahaf

AMIT 40, 2008

292 s, renkli ve s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce ve Almanca makaleler.


  • Biagi, P. / The Palaeolithic settlement of Sindh (Pakistan): A review (1-26)
  • Lyonnet, B., Akhundov, T., Almamedov, K., Bouquet, L., Courcier, A., Jellilov, B., Huseynov, F., Loute, S., Makharadze, Z., und Reynard, S. / Late Chalcolithic kurgans in Transcaucasia. The cemetery of Soyuq Bulaq (Azerbaijan) (27-44)
  • Badalyan, R., Smith, A. T., Lindsay, I., Khatchadourian, L., und Avetsiyan, P. / Village, fortress and town in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Caucasus: A preliminary report on the 2003-2006 investigations of Project ARAGATS on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Republic of Armenia (45-105)
  • Langer, S. / Preliminary results of the analysis of the pottery inventory from Period III at Sohr Damb/Nal (Pakistan) (107-119)
  • Drujinina, A. / Gussform mit griechischer Inschrift aus dem Oxos-Tempel (121-135)
  • Falk, H. / Money can buy me heaven. Religious donations in late and post-Kushan India (137-148)
  • Knipper, C., Paulus, S., Uerpmann, M., und Uerpmann, H.-P. / Seasonality and land use in Bronze and Iron Age Kakhetia (Georgia). Oxygen and strontium isotope analyses on horse and cattle teeth (149-168)
  • Uerpmann, M. / Uerpmann, H.-P. / Bronze and Iron Age animal economy at Didi-gora and Tqisbolo-gora (Kakhetia, Georgia) (169-264)
  • Kutterer, A. U. / Anthropological remarks on the remains of an infant from a Middle Bronze Age context at Didi-gora (265-266)
  • Fedorov, M. / Notes on the early medieval numismatics of Khwarezm (267-275)
  • Mamedov, M. A. / Genesis of the dracontine image in the art of Central Asia (277-290)
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008 1434-2758-1 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 40, 2008