"And I Knew Twelve Languages": A Tribute to Massimo Poetto on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

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ISBN-ISSN: 9788387111779
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750 s, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce - Almanca makaleler.


A Complete Bibliography or Massimo Poetto
  • Adams, Douglas Q. / Three Bits of [E Morphology Illuminated by Hittite (or vice versa) Examples of Grammaticalization of Verb + Particle
  • Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier / Sobre algunes noves llegendes monetals licies
  • Archi, Alfonso / Female Deities at Ebla
  • Beckman, Gary / Hatti's Treaties with Carchemish
  • Bracchi, Remo / Osoppo 'citta del frassino'
  • Bryce, Trevor / The Abandonment of Hattusa: Some Speculations
  • Dardano, Paola / Ancora su gr. Aaqç
  • Dinçol, Belkıs -Hasan Peker / Reevaluation of Some Published Alalakh Seals and Sealings
  • Eichner, Heiner / Die Stele Lemnia: Vorstellung ihrer neuen lnterpretation samt angestrebter Beweisfühnıng
  • Forlanini, Massimo / Appunti di geografia hittita, 2
  • Francia, Rita / JI serpente, la chiocciola, l'ape e l'aquila rianalisi di KUB 43.62 II 6-10
  • Garda Ramon, Josc L. / De 'correr' a 'crecer' (una planta): hitita bııyai-!ı!ıi, griego avaöpaµdv, ava0dv, antiguo n6rdico rinna/renna
  • Garcia Trabazo, Jose Virgilio / Kleine Bemerkungen Zll luw. pibassassi-als Rcflex idg. mythischcr Auffassungcn
  • Giuliani, Mariafrancesca / L'importanza delle storie lessicali parallele: ancora su pareggio/pileggio 'rotta d'alto mare; tratto di mare aperto'
  • Giusfredi, Federico / Le cosiddette Res Gestae di Anitta: note di filologia e storia ittita
  • Gordcsiani, Lcwan - Irene Tatisvili / Eulige Bemerkungen zur Ethnizitat in den hethitischen Texten
  • Groddek, Detlev / Zwei neue AnschluBstücke zu CTH 12
  • Hawkins, Jolın David / Two ANCOZ Texts Combined?
  • Herbordt, Suzanne / A Syro-Mittanian Style Cylinder Seal from the Upper City of Boğazköy/Hattusa
  • Hutter, Manfred / Die Funktion und geographische Verbreitung von Brandopfern in hieroglyphenluwischen Texten
  • Hutter-Braunsar, Sylvia / Einige Bemerkungen zu Kaufurkunden im Corpus der luwischen Hieroglypheninschriften des ersten Jahrtausends v. Chr.
  • Isebaert, Lambert / Emprunt et loi phonetique: le cas de tokharien B n(y)iis I A nas« desir » et B fı(y)iitse I A niitse « danger, detresse »
  • Kapelus, Magdalena / Cinq lettres d' Archibald Sayce a Ignacy Radlinski
  • Karasu, Cem / Some Notes on the Aesthetics of Hittite Cuneiform Script
  • Kim, Ronald I. / The 2pl. Middle Ending in Proto-Indo-European
  • Lorenz,Jürgen / Auslandische Fach- und Führungskrafte bei den Hethitern
  • Maggi, Mauro / A Late Khotanese Document on Wood: Or. 8211/1475
  • Marazzi, Massimiliano / Schriftlichkeit und königliche Zelebration in Hattusa gegen Ende des 13. Jh. v. Chr.: über die sogenannten "langen" Hieroglypheninschriften
  • Melchert, H. Craig / The Anatolian Hieroglyplıic Signs L 41, L 172 and L 319 = L 416
  • Morani, Moreno / Un problema d'accento in una iscrizione di Pompei
  • Mouton, Alice / Le sol en tant que lieu rituel d'apres les textes hittites
  • Muscariello, Marta / Un 'ipotesi alternativa per lo scioglimento della sigla Dl in KN K 7363
  • Neri, Sergio / Gricchisch
  • Nussbaum, Alan J. / Rhodian Personal Names in Ayı..ou-, Aptmou-, Tıµou-and tlle Dialect History of the lsland
  • Octtinger, Norbert / Zu kcilscluifl-luwisch ıniinnahını,ann(i)- ,Nase'
  • Payne, Annick / Waste Not. Want Not: How to Recycle Determinative Signs
  • Peters, Martin / Geheimrat Sominer und sein Weiber Wal
  • Pinault, Georges-Jean / Hittito-Tocharica: Tracking the Bear once More
  • Poccetti Paolo / Oscan *dehaorn 'to swear': a Relic Indo-European Phraseology oran Idiosyncratically Italic Formation?
  • Puhvel, Jaan / Concerted Convergence: Greek aiixn Matches Hittite zanzi
  • Rieken, Elisabetb - David Sasseville / Die Wurzeln für "Schneiden" im Luwischen
  • Rizza, Alfredo / About the Greek-Sidetic "Artemon-Inscription" (S I. 1. 1)
  • Rocca, Giovanna / Latino sagina
  • Schürr, Dietber / Yon Bock und Rob und vielleicht Kalbim Lykischen
  • Siegelova, Jana / Die hetbitische Steuerverwaltung zugunsten des KuJtes
  • Simon, Zsolt / Zum hicroglyphen-luwischcn Hapax marali-ıa-rni-
  • Soysal, Oğuz / Reconstruction ofa Local Divine List
  • Starke, Frank / Zu Ansatz, Lautung und Herkunft einiger luwischer Uindemarnen des I 2.-8. Jh.
  • Süel, Aygül - Mark Weeden / A Silver Signet-Ring from Ortaköy-Sapinuwa
  • Taracha, Piotr / A Note on the Hittite [wr(k)- and es- Constructions
  • Tischler, Johann / Ein spatjunghethitisches Orakelfragmen
  • Torri, Giulia / Sulta forma e l'uso del segno DUB nei colofoni di Hattusa (XIll sec. a.C.)
  • Tremouille, Marie-Claude / suhhaz katta maus(s)-: 'cadere dal tetto' oppure 'gettarsi dal tetto'?
  • Ünal, Ahmet / New Insights into the Nature and Iconography of the Hittite Horse Deity Pirwa
  • van den Hout, Tbeo / Did He Come or Go? Hittite arha uwe/a -
  • Velbarticka, Sarka / Le lettere di alcuni fılologi italiani conservate negli archivi di Praga
  • Yoshida, Kazuhiko / Some Old Morphological Features of Hittite Imperatives
  • Zorman, Marina / Revisiting Hromy's Well-Known Sentence
"And I Knew Twelve Languages": A Tribute to Massimo Poetto on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday "And I Knew Twelve Languages": A Tribute to Massimo Poetto on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday 9788387111779 "And I Knew Twelve Languages": A Tribute to Massimo Poetto on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday