Anatolia Moderna / Yeni Anadolu VII

81,00 TL İndirim
160,00 TL 79,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 2906053430
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Mimarlık, Tarih

125 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce ve Fransızca makaleler.

Table des Matieres


  • Zarinebaf-Shahr, Fariba / "Heresy" and Rebellion in Ottoman Anatolia During the Sixteenth Century
  • Moreau, Odile / Les Contingents Balkaniques : Le Recrutement des Contingents Bosniaques (1826-1876)
  • Finkel, Caroline F. - N. N. Ambraseys / The Marmara Sea Earthquake of 10 July 1894 and its Effects on Historic Buildings
  • Güler, İbrahim / Inventaire Partiel des Documents Turcs des Archives Nationales de Tunisie

Dossier: Le Tekke Bektachi de Kazlıçeşme

  • Vatin, Nicolas - Thierry Zarcone / Le Tekke Bektachi de Kazlıçeşme. I. Etude Historique et Epigraphique
  • Tanman, Baha / II. Emplacement, Plan de Situation, Architecture et Decoration
Anatolia Moderna / Yeni Anadolu VII Anatolia Moderna / Yeni Anadolu VII 2906053430 Anatolia Moderna / Yeni Anadolu VII