Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works
Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works

Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works

555,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 0946897840
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55 s, s/b resimler, katlanmış plan, İngilizce.

The structures, building techniques, distribution of finds, function of the complex and parallels with similar sites.

Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works 0946897840 Well Built Mycenae: Fascicule 36: The Hellenistic Dye-Works