The Oxford Classical Dictionary
1648 s, s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce.
- The most up-to-date, authoritative, and comprehensive one-volume dictionary in the field of classics.
- Established reference work covering all aspects of the classical era; now revised and updated to incorporate the very latest research and developments.
- Entries new to the fourth edition include Presocratic philosophy, Jewish art, Carian language, emotions, gender, personification, and theatricality.
- Broad coverage and inclusion of anthropology and reception as two new focus areas, with entries on dance reception, film, opera, and creolization, kinship, and materiality.
- International approach - entries written by a team of renowned classics scholars from all around the world.
New to this edition
- Existing entries have been thoroughly revised and updated, among them Archimedes, conversion, Lucian, Aristotle, and translation.
- End-of-entry further reading updated throughout, providing a wealth of information on reliable resources.
- Numerous new entries such as Andania, Latin anthologies, Jewish art, sacred and cultic books, emotions, gender, Hellenistic philosophy, literary theory and the classics, and many more.
- Two new focus areas have been added to this edition: reception (including dance reception, film, and opera) and anthropology (such as ancient perception of colour, kinship, and materiality).
'offers not only that breakfast for the mind we keep hearing about, but lunch, tea, dinner, supper and non-stop snacks...offers a cornucopia of accurate and succinct knowledge that would be hard to equal' (Peter Green, Washington Times about the third edition).
For over sixty years, The Oxford Classical Dictionary has been the unrivalled one-volume reference in the field of classics. Now completely revised and updated to include the very latest research findings, developments, and publications, this highly acclaimed reference work will be the most up-to-date and comprehensive dictionary available on all aspects of the classical era. In over 6,700 entries written by the very best of classical scholars from around the world, the Dictionary provides coverage of Greek and Roman history, literature, myth, religion, linguistics, philosophy, law, science, art, archaeology, near eastern studies, and late antiquity.
New entries supplement the existing material, including entries on topics such as Adrasteia, Latin anthologies, Jewish art, ancient religious beliefs, emotions, film, gender, kinship, and many more. Other specific developments include an added focus on two new areas: 'anthropology ' and 'reception'. All entries are written in an accessible style and all Latin and Greek words have been translated to ensure ease of use. Under the editorship of Simon Hornblower, Antony Spawforth, and Esther Eidinow, a huge range of contributors have revised and updated the text, which has made an already outstanding work even better.
The Dictionary covers:
1) politics, government, economy - from political figures to political systems, terms and practices, histories of major states and empires, economic theory, agriculture, artisans and industry, trade and markets
2) religion and mythology - deities and mythological creatures, beliefs and rituals, sanctuaries and sacred buildings, astrology
3) law and philosophy - from biographies of lawgivers and lawyers to legal terms and procedures, from major and minor philosophers to philosophical schools, terms, and concepts
4) science and geography - scientists and specific theory and practice, doctors and medicine, climate and landscape, natural disasters, regions and islands, cities and settlements, communications
5) languages, literature, art, and architecture - languages and dialects, writers and literary terms and genres, orators and rhetorical theory and practice, drama and performance, art, painters and sculptors, architects, buildings and materials
6) archaeology and historical writing - amphorae and pottery, shipwrecks and cemeteries, historians, and Greek and Roman historiography
7) military history - generals, arms and armour, famous battles, attitudes to warfare
8) social history, sex, and gender - women and the family, kinship, peasants and slaves, attitudes to sexuality
Readership: Invaluable for students, scholars, and teachers of classics and classical civilization; useful for professionals, scholars, and students of other disciplines with an interest in the ancient history of their subject; and a fascinating point of reference for anyone interested in the classical world. This is a standard volume for public and institutional libraries.