The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History
The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History

The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History

1.466,38 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754283464
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Studies in Honor of John C. ALEXANDER Edited by Elias Kolovos, Phokion Kotzageorgis, Sophia Laiou and Marinos Sariyannis

361 s, İngilizce.

Bibliography of John C. Alexander (Alexandropoulos)

  • Iakovos Z. Aktsoglou, Population in the Province of Trabzon (Vilayet-i Trabzon) According to the Yearbook (Salname) of 1286/1869-70
  • Antonis Anastasopoulos, Albanians in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Balkans
  • Helen Angelomatis-Tsougarakis, A Berat of the British Consul of Salonica (1719)
  • Melek Delilbaşı-Hatice Oruç, The Properties of Fatima Sultan in Ioannina in the Sixteenth Century
  • Suraiya Faroqhi, The Ottoman Empire Confronting the Christian World (1451-1774): A Discussion of the Secondary Literature Produced in Turkey
  • Aleksandar Foticv, The Metochion of the Chilandar Monastery in Salonica (Sixteenth ? Seventeenth Centuries)
  • Eleni Gara, Marrying in Seventeenth-Century Mostar
  • Eleni G. Gavra, The Zincirli Mosque in Serres
  • György Hazai, An Ottoman Document Concerning the History of Salonica
  • Anastasios Iordanoglou, Social Welfare in Selanik (Salonica) During the Tanzimat Period (1839-62)
  • Olga Karageorgou-Kourtzis, Aspects of Education in the Peloponnese from 1810 to 1820 According to the Peroukas Archives from Argos
  • Machiel Kiel, Livno (NW. Bosnia): From Hamlet to Ottoman Sancak Capital at the Edge of the Muslim World (1469-2006)
  • Elias Kolovos, Beyond 'Classical' Ottoman Defterology: A Preliminary Assessment of the Tahrir Registers of 1670/71 Concerning Crete and the Aegean Islands
  • Phokion P. Kotzageorgis, Haric Ez Defter and Hali Ane'l-Reaya Villages in the Kaza of Dimetoka/Didymoteichon (Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries): A Methodological Approach
  • Sophia Laiou, Some Considerations Regarding Çiftlik Formation in the Western Thessaly, Sixteenth-Nineteenth Centuries
  • Heath W. Lowry, A Note on Three Palaiologoi Princes as Members of the Ottoman Ruling Elite
  • Demetrios Papastamatiou, Tax-Farming (İltizam) and Collective Fiscal Responsibility (Maktu) in the Ottoman Southern Peloponnese in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century
  • Marinos Sariyannis, Law and Morality in Ottoman Society: The Case of Narcotic Substances
  • Vasileios D. Siakotos, A Venetian Version of a Hatt-ı Şerif for the Town of Patras
  • Gilles Veinstein, Autour du berat de Pouqueville, Commissaire de France à Jannina (1806)
  • Elizabeth A. Zachariadou, The Sultanic Residence and the Capital: Didymoteichon and Adrianople
The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History 9789754283464 The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek Lands: Toward a Social and Economic History