The Armenian Rebellion at Van
The Armenian Rebellion at Van

The Armenian Rebellion at Van

ISBN-ISSN: 9780874808704
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Tarih
296 s, İngilizce

Utah Series in Middle East Studies
Before World War I, the ancient city of Van in southeastern Anatolia had a population of approximately 100,000 people, while the population of Van Province was about 500,000. Armenians formed a large minority, with Kurdish tribes and Turks in the majority. The Armenian Rebellion at Van presents a long-overdue examination of Van from the 1870s to 1919. As the authors state, "The Armenian Revolt was an integral part...
The Armenian Rebellion at Van The Armenian Rebellion at Van 9780874808704 The Armenian Rebellion at Van