Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall
Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall

Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall

ISBN-ISSN: 9781898249030
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

BIAA Monograph Series 19

119 s, s/b levhalar, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce.


Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall 9781898249030 Studies in the History and Topography of Lycia and Pisidia: in Memoriam A.S. Hall