Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003
Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003

Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003

ISBN-ISSN: 33943
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

140 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce, Fransızca ve Almanca makaleler


  • DANIEL ARNAUD / Prolegomenes â la redaction d'une histoire d'Ougarit III: Ougarit et Tukulti-Ninurta
  • RAFET ÇAVUŞOĞLU / A Fragmentary Urartian Bronze Belt in the Diyarbakır Museum
  • GIAMPAOLO GRAZIADIO / I lingotti ox-hide nella glittica cipriota
  • MASSIMILIANO MARAZZI und HOLGER GZELLA / Bemerkungen zu SAG.DU-Zf/ was- und wasse- in CTH 258 und HG § 198/ *84
  • KENNETH SHIELDS, JR / A Proposal Concerning the Hittite Nom.-Acc. Sg. Neuter, Nom.-Acc. Pl. Neuter, Nom. Pl. Common Enclitic Third Person Pronoun -at
  • METAXIA TSIPOPOULOU, LUCIA VAGNETTI and MARIA LISTON / New evidence for the Dark Ages in the Isthmus of Hierapetra. An unplundered tholos tomb at Vasiliki

Note Brevi:

  • Remarques sur une lettre de Kâmid-el-Loz / Kumidi de l'epoque dite d'El-Amarna: DANIEL ARNAUD
  • Zu den hurritischen Verbformen auf -i=a: eine Berichtigung: MAURO GIORGIERI
  • Siduri - Nahmezuli. Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Gilgames-Forschung: VOLKERT HAAS


  • M. HEATH WIENCKE, Lerna. A preclassical site in the Argolid. Results o fexcavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Volume IV. The architecture, stratifıcations, and pottery of Lerna III: PAOLO BELLİ e MARCO BETTELLI
  • M. YON, D. ARNAUD, Etudes ougaritiques I. Travauz 1985-1995 (Ras Shamra-Ougarit XIV): SILVANA Dİ PAOLO
Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003 Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003 33943 Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Fascicolo XLV/1 - 2003