Silva Anatolica: Papers Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday

2.000,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 8387111120
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
369 s, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce ve Almanca makaleler.


Editor's Foreword

List of Abbraviations

Bibliography of Maciej Popko

Alfonso Archi 
Ea and tbe Beast. A Song Related to lh Kumarpi Cycle

Richard H. Beal 
Gleanings from Hittite Oracle Questions on Religion, Societ, Psychology and Decisıon Making

Gary Beckman
The Pantheon of Emar

lgnacy R. Danka,
Krzysztof T. Witczak
On the Etymology of Hittite kappar 'vegetable, a product of the garden'

Giuseppe Del Monte
Sui rituali di Mallidunna eti Turmita

Stefano de Martino
The Military Exploits of the Hittite King Hattusili l in Lands Situated between the Upper Euphrates and the Upper Tigris

Jacques Freu
La chronologie du regne de Suppiluliuma: essai de mise au point. 

Mauro Giorgieri
Beilragc zu den hurritischcn Texten aus Boğazköy

Detlev Groddek
Die rituelle Behandlung des verschwundenen Sonnengottes (CTH 323) 

0liver R. Gurncy
The Authorship of the Tawagalawas Letter 

Volkert Haas
Die Göttin Hapantali(ja) und die Schafe

Joost Hazenbos
Zum İmamkulu-Relief

Harry A. Hoffher
Before and After: Space, Time. Rank and Causality

Theo van den Hout
Self, Soul and Portrait in Hieroglyphic Luwian

Manfred Hutter
Das hiiara-Fest in Hattusa. Transformation und Funktion eines syrischen Festes

Cem Karasu
The Great Sea According to Llıc Hittite Texts

Horst Klengel
"'An der Hand der Gottheit' Bemerkungen zur ''Umarmungsszene' in der hethitischen Tradition

Rafal Kolinski
Bulls from Teli Arbid

Edward Lipinski
Diyarbakır - an Aramaean Capital of the 9th
Century 8. C. and its Territory

H. Craig Melchert 
The God Sanda in Lycia?

Norbert Oettinger
Hethitisch warhuizna-.''Wald, heiliger Hain'' und tiyessar "'Baumpflanzung'' (mit einer Bemerkung zu dt. Wald. engl. wold)

Franca Pecchioli Daddi
A 'New' Instruction from Arnuwanda I

Massimo Poetto
Nuovi sigilli in Iuvio geroglifıco V

Doris Prechel
Betrachtungen zum Ritual der Pupuwanni

Hanna Roszkowska-Mutschler
Zu den Mannestaten der hethitischen Könige und ihrem Sitz im Leben

Itamar Singer
Kantuzili the Priest and the Birth of Hittite Personal Prayer

Oğuz Soysal
Zur Herkunft eines gemeinsamen Wortes in AJtanatolien: parninka/i-

Piotr Taracha
Another Hittitc Fragment of a Substitution Ritual

Johannes Tischlcr
Hethitische Apfel

Maric-Claude Tremouille
Une ceremonic pour Huwassanna a Kuliwisna

Silva Anatolica: Papers Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Silva Anatolica: Papers Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday 8387111120 Silva Anatolica: Papers Presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday