Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011

Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011

4.000,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9788387111670
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Saat 15:00 öncesi verilen siparişler bugün kargoya verilir.
1059 s, sert kapak ciltli, Türkçe - İngilizce - Fransızca - Almanca makaleler.

Editor's Forword
List of Abbreviations
Full List of Papers Read at the Conference
  • Nurullah Çakır / Çorum Govemor's Address to the Participants ofthe Congress
  • Selim F. Adalı - İlknur Taş / The umman-manda in Hittite Texts
  • Rükiye Akdoğan - Ayşe Ersoy / Kahramanmaraş Müzesi 'nde Bulunan Yapı-Adak Çivileri Çivilerinin Işığında Mama Şehrinin Lokalizasyonu
  • Silvia Alaura / The Sun-god's Quadriga in the Prayers to the Sun-god for Appeasing an Angry Personal God (CTH 372-374) and its Mesopotamian Background
  • Boris Alexandrov / The Letters from Hanigalbat in the Boğazköy Archives
  • Mary Bachvarova / Hurro-Hittite Narrative Songs asa Bilingual Oral-Derived Genre
  • Juan Antonio Belmonte - A. Cesar Gonzalez Garda / Astral Symbolism and Time-Keeping in the Hittite Culture
  • Cyril Brosch / Beitrage zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik I: die Verbindung Place Word + arha und ibre Konstruktionen
  • Michele Cammarosano / Rejoicing in the Gods: the Verb dusk- and Hittite Cheese Fighting
  • Anna Chrzanowska / Unerwfmschte Nachbarschaft - Ereignisse an der nördlichen Gren des Hatti-Reiches in ınittelhetlıitisclıer Zeit
  • Billie Jean Collins / Royal Co-option ofa Popular Rituals: The Case of Hantitas
  • Paola Cotticelli Kurras / lnteraktion zwischea semantischen Verbalklassen und syntaktisch clusters
  • Lorenzo d' Alfonso / The Kingdom ofTarhuntassa: A Reassessment of its Timeline and Political Significance
  • Paola Dardano / Das hethitische Partizip - eine Frage der Diathese
  • Romina Della Casa / Symbolic Representations of the Sacred Space/Landscape in the Telepinu Myth
  • Niccolo Galmarini / The Festivals for Mount Puskurunuw
  • Jose Virgilio Garcia Trabaz / Hethitisch targummiie-: ein etymologischer Vorschla
  • Federico Giusfred / The Cuneiform Luwian Local Particles and the Obscure Particle -(V) r
  • A. Cesar Gonzalez Garcia - Juan Antonio Belmon / Astronomy and Landscape in Late Bronze Age Central Anatolia
  • Susanne Görke - Giulia Torri / Bau(-)Rituale ! Zur Textgeschichte von CTH 413-415 und CTH 725-72
  • Manfred Hutter / Religious Traditions in Hupisn
  • Sylvia Hutter-Braunsar / Wettkampfe in hethitischen Festrituale
  • Magdalena Kapehıs / Les descriptions du deuxieme jour du grand rituel funeraire des mis hittites
  • Güngör Karauğuz / Hititler döneminde Kuzeybatı Anadolu'da Bir Kent: Kalasın
  • Isabelle Klock-F ontanille / From Hattians to Hittites: Some Reflections about Traces of Matrilinearity in Hittite Traditio
  • Adam Chrzanowska / Methodology and the Problem of Hittite Geography
  • Martin Joachim Kümmel / The Conditioning for Secondary h in Hittite
  • Simona Lamante  / Das dahanga: seine Struktur und kultische Bedeutung
  • Zheng Li / Hittite Diplomatic Texts? Remarks on the Nature of Some Hittite Treaty Texts
  • Jürgen Lorenz / Der hethitische König: Herr der tausend Feste?
  • Emilia Masson / The Mortuary Monument of Kuttamuwa/Kattamuwa: What Can Be Learned?
  • Michel Mazoyer / Remarques sur l'infinitif hittite
  • H. Craig . Melchert / Hittite ispar- o sprea d ou t" an d . V isparre / a- "to kick"
  • Patrick Maxime Michel / Hittite Cults in Emar
  • Jared L. Miller / Mursili II's Prayer Concerning the Misdeeds and the Ousting of Tawannanna
  • Alice Mouton / Rituel de "boucs ' emissaires  " en Anatolie hittite
  • Gerfrid G. W. Müller / Forensik und Fragmente
  • Raphael Nicolle / Telipinu et le Soleil dans la rnythologie hittite : la « manipulation » du Soleil
  • Rostislav Oreshko / The Strange Case ofDr. FRATER and Mr. DOMINUS: a Re-Consideration of the Evidence Concerning Luwian nani-
  • Esma Öz / Arhalum and unus.s-um in the Kültepe Tablets
  • İbrahim Murat Ozulu - Fazlı Engin Tombuş - Mustafa Coşar / Arkeolojik Alanların Araştırılmasında Görünürlük Analizinin Kullanılması Ortaköy (Şapinuva) Örneği
  • Julie Patrier / Some Remarks on Food Preservation and Storage in Second Millennium
  • Franca Pecchioli Daddi - Giulia Torri - Car]o Corti / The Survey in the Area of Uşaklı Höyük (Yozgat): Epigraphic Findings
  • Olga Popova / Le /wa/ dans l'ecriture hittite: graphie, phonologie, influences exterieures
  • Esma Reyhan-İ. Murat Ozulu- Fazlı Engin Tombuş / Ortaköy-Şapinuva (Çorum) Arkeolojik Alani ve Yakın Çevresindeki Antik Yolların Araştırılması
  • Hasan Ali Şahin / Koloniler Çağı 'nda Salatiwar Şehrinin Ticari Önemi
  • Abdurrahman Savaş / A Comparative Study ofHittite, Roman, Islamic and Jewish Laws
  • Diether Schürr / Lykische Orte und ibre Namen: drei Namentypen
  • Fatma Sevinç Erbaşı / Hitit Döneminde Bir Kült Objesi olarak Sunak
  • Andrey Shatskov / Hittite Imperfectives in anna-/i-
  • Vladimir Shelestin / The Foreign Policy ofthe Late Old Hitite Kingdom: the Case of Ammuna
  • Andrey V. Sideltsev / The Origin of Hittite Right Dislocations
  • Zsolt Simon / Der phonetische Wert der luwischen Laryngale
  • Itamar Singer / The Distinctiveness of the Historical Introductions of Hittite State Treaties
  • Özlem Sir Gavaz / Hitit Kralları 'run Merasinı Gezilerinin Genel Olarak Değerlendirilmesi
  • Aygül Süel / Tarhunnaradu/Tarhundaradu in the Ortaköy Texts
  • Mustafa Süel / Şapinuva-Ağılönü Kutsal Alanının Hitit Dünyasındaki Yeri
  • Piotr Taracha / Tuthaliya I Redivivus
  • Annette Teffeteller / Argument Structure and Adjunction in Anatolian Syntax
  • Krzysztofffianowski / King's Divinity: Comparison between Mesopotamian and Hittite Tradition
  • Sylvie Vanseveren / Hittite kartim(m)iya-: reflexions sur le vocabulaire de la colere en hittite
  • Willemijn Waal / Changing Fate. Hittite Guls-lGUL-s-, dgu /se§/dGlJL-ses, Cuneiform Luwian gu lzii(i)- / GUL-za(i)-, Hieroglyp hic Luwian REL-za- and the Kuwanses Deities
  • Kazuhiko Yoshida / Hittite !Ju-it-ti-it-ti
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011 Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011 9788387111670 Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology, Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011