Mathematicians, Astronomers & Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and their works (7th-19th c.)

ISBN-ISSN: 9290631279
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

833 s, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce.

İslam uygarlığının matematikçileri, astronomları ve diğer araştırmacılarının eserlerini içeren bibliyografik kitap.

Mathematicians, Astronomers & Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and their works (7th-19th c.) Mathematicians, Astronomers & Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and their works (7th-19th c.) 9290631279 Mathematicians, Astronomers & Other Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and their works (7th-19th c.)