Les Guides-Joanne.
Les Guides-Joanne.

Les Guides-Joanne.

Genese des Guides-Bleus
750,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9782952947602
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Diğer

640 s, renkli ve s/b resimler, keten sert kapak ciltli, şömizli, Fransızca.

Three main series of guidebooks were notable during the 19th century and up until the First World War: Baedeker, Murray and Joanne. Baedeker's and Murray's guidebooks have already been studied by scholars. For the first time, the Joanne guidebooks are listed and  discussed in this 640 page illustrated book. More than 1900 different 
editions were published by Joanne. Unlike Murray and Baedeker, the covers of the various editions were not standardised, making them difficult to recognise. A coloured identification guide allows the chronology of the Joanne guidebooks to be understood and the main series to be identified. A 100 page introduction helps the reader to understand the history of the different series, the way the various guidebooks were made, and the evolution of maps and ground plans to keep pace with the development of various means of transportation. Bibliography and index (authors, geographical names).  English language abstract.  Fabric binding, jacket.

Les Guides-Joanne. Les Guides-Joanne. 9782952947602 Les Guides-Joanne.