Kaman-Kalehöyük 7

ISBN-ISSN: 33802
Kategori: Kaman-kalehöyük

Anatolian Archaeological Studies Vol. VII

339 s, s/b resimler, planlar, haritalar, Japonca


  • Omura, Sachihiro / A Preliminary Report on the Twelfth Excavation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk (1997) 
  • Omura, Sachihiro / A Preliminary Report on the Arcaeological Survey on Central Anatolia (1997)
  • Meadow, Richard H. - Jeffrey Nicola - Hitomi Hongo / Advanced Field Course on Zooarchaeology at Kaman-Kalehoyuk  
  • Wharton, Glenn / Conservation Director's Report 1997 Season
  • Carroll, Scott A. / Kaman-Kalechoyuk 1997 Conservation Report
  • Yamashita, Mamoru / Reconsideration of the Dating of the IId Level at Kaman-Kalehoyuk, Based on New Fibula Material
  • Omura, Masako / The Seals and Seal Impressions from Kaman-Kalehoyuk: A Stamp Seal and Seal Impressions Dated in the Old Hittite
  • Matsumura, Kimiyoshi / The Conception of the Stratigraphical Analysis at Kaman-Kalehoyuk
  • Yukishima, Koichi / Metal Arrowhead at Kaman-Kalehoyuk
  • Katayama, Kazumichi / Human Skeletal Remains from Kaman-Kalehoyuk Site in Central Anatolia, Turkey : Waht Do Numerous Burnt Skeletons at the Ruins of Assyry Colony Period Buildings Tel) about?
  • Kashima, Kaoru - Katsuyuki Yoshii  / Geomorphological Evolutions and Climatic Changes During the Late Quaternary at Aksaray Area, Central Anatolia, Turkey : A Preliminary Report on the Geomorphological Survey in Central Anatolia in 1997
  • Kashima, Kaoru / Late Quaternary Geomorphological Changes and the Distribution of Archaeological Sites at Central Anatolia, Turkey: An Application of a Geomorphic Classification Map for Archaeological Studies
  • Mochizuki, Akihiko / Soure Identification of Obsidian Artifacts Obtained from the Archaeological Survey in 1996by X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
  • Enomoto, Junko - Yoshimitsu Hirao / Chemical Analysis of Copper Obujects Excavated from Tenth Excavation of Kaman-Kalehoyuk
  • Okada, Yukiko - Shogo Suzuki - Shoji Hirai / Neutron Activation Analysis of Iron Objects Excavated from the Tenth Excavation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk 
  • Matsunaga, Masaya - Izumi Nakai  / Chemical Characterization of Potteries Excavated from Kaman-Kalehoyuk No.3 : Techical Investigation on Plumberous Ware
  • Kanda, Nobuyuki - Masaya Matsunaga - Izumi Nakai / Chemical Characterization of Potteries Excavated From Kaman-Kaiehoyuk No.4 
  • Kimura, Mayumi - Masaya Matsunaga - Izumi Nakai / Chemical Study of White Materials in the Pits, Soil Materials,and Mud Bricks from Kaman-Kalehoyuk 
  • Akanuma, Hideo / A Study of the Production of Iron. Implements in the Phrygian Period: Through an Inspection of the Structures and a Scientific Analysis of the Relics dug out of Stratum Ila
  • Smith, Nicola / Wax and BTA on Bronze : The Effect of Combinig Heart Benzotriazole (BTA) when Applying a Wax Coating to Bronze
Kaman-Kalehöyük 7 Kaman-Kalehöyük 7 33802 Kaman-Kalehöyük 7