Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012
Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012

Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012

The Proceedings of V. International Symposium of Mosaic Corpus of Turkey
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400,00 TL 320,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 1309-047X-5
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
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JMR Volume 5, 2012

The Proceeding of V. International Symposium of Mosaic Corpus of Turkiye. Kommagene / Syria Mosaic and their Relations with the Kahramanmaraş Mosaic

234 s, renkli ve s/b resimler, Türkçe ve İngilizce makaleler.

  • Sunuş / Foreword
  • Arslan, Nurettin – Caner Bakan / Assos Mozaikleri
  • Aybek, Serdar – Ali Kazım Öz / Mosaic Researches at Amisos, 1996
  • Barsanti, Claudia / The Fate of the Antioch Mosaic Pavements: Some Reflections
  • Blázquez, José Maria – Javier Cabrero / Antioch Mosaics and their Mythological and Artistic Relations with
  • Spanish Mosaics
  • Kremer, Maria de Jesus Duran / Floral and Geometrical Motives of the Pavement Mosaics in East and West.
  • The Example of the Roman Villa of Abicada
  • Ersoy, Akın – Duygu Yolaçan / Smyrna Agorası Mozaikli Yapı Mozaik Döşemi Konservasyon Çalışmaları
  • Keser, Hünkar – Emine Tok / Arvalya Bazilikası
  • Küçük, Celaleddin – Mine Yar / Kahramanmaraş Mozaikleri Konservasyon Çalışmaları
  • Küçükdağlı, Seydihan / Kahramanmaraş Germanicia Mozaikleri
  • Neira, Luz / Unique Representation of a Mosaics Craftsman in a Roman Pavement from the Ancient Province Syria
  • Omari, Elda / The Mosaics with Animals Theme in the Southern Adriatic Between 4th and 6th century A.D.: Decorative and Iconographic Schemes in Comparison
  • Önal, Mehmet / Herakles’in On İki İşi Betimli Mozaik Hakkında Tespitler
  • Öz, Ali Kazım / The Research and Conservation Study of the Mosaics of the Roman Bath at Metropolis
  • Patacı, Sami – Ali Kazım Öz – Ergün Laflı / Paphlagonia Hadrianoupolis’i Mozaik Buluntuları: Ön Değerlendirmeler
  • Raynaud, Marie-Patricia / A Birds Mosaic in Qalaat Seman
  • Salman, Barış / Kommegene ve Suriye Bölgesi Mozaiklerinde Yerel Özellikler ve Yabancı Etkiler: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme
  • Şener, Y. Selçuk / Arkeolojik Alanda In situ (Yerinde) Mozaik Koruma Yöntemleri
  • İkizgül, Hülya Vurnal / From Antiquity to Modernity
  • Wrench, Licínia Nunes Correia / Exemples du Decor Vegetal en Quelques Mosaiques Romaines: Du Portugal a L’Autre Extreme de la Mediterranee
Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012 Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012 1309-047X-5 Journal of Mosaic Research. Volume 5, 2012