Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality
Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality

Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality

ISBN-ISSN: 9788299141190
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Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens

173 s, İngilizce.

The present volume has its origins in a conference organised in December 1993 by the Norwegian Institute at Athens. The papers reflect sharply different views of the relationship between Homer and his world. There are those which treat the Homeric poems as repositories of information about real events in the distant Heroic Past and those which are inclined to see the Heroic World as a fictional creation built out of a variety of elements. The editors submit the volume in the humble hope that it may be of worth in itself and that it may spur further discussion of the issues raised by the contributors.


Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality 9788299141190 Homer's World. Fiction, Tradition, Reality