Forschungen in Ephesos VIII/5 Die Elfenbeinplastiken aus dem Hanghaus II in Ephesos
2.100,00 TL
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver 81 s, 44 renkli ve s/b levhalar, Almanca
This large-format paperback illustrates and discusses the spectacular Roman ivory carvings and sculptures from reliefs in Hanghaus 2 in Ephesus. The catalogue describes and discusses each fragment and reconstructs its original position on the walls of two rooms in the building. Dawid dates the reliefs to the reign of Trajan and places the pieces in their historical and artistic context. Finally, the study discusses the fully rounded statue fragments that survive, particularly the portrait heads of three family members, and reconstructs the theatre and military scenes of the reliefs. Colour and black and white photographs of the pieces concludes the study. German text. 81p, 44 b/w and col pls, b/w figs (Forschungen in Ephesos VIII/5, OAW 2003)