Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia
Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia

Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia

363,16 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754286809
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120 s, İngilizce

Foreword. Turkish-Iranian Religious Relations (From the times of the Seljuks to the end of Ottoman times)Islam in Asia Minor. Second Aspect of Islam in Turkish History: Rethinking the Shî’a Element of Anatolia or About Isma’îlî Influences. Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror: the Conquest of the Centralization of Powers in the Ottoman Empire. Sufis in Rural Environments

Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia 9789754286809 Essays on Islamic and Cultural Life in Medieval Anatolia