Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors. People of Literature, Culture and Science

ISBN-ISSN: 975933108X
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Sahaf, Sahaf

Toplam 3 cilt + CD-rom, 1246 s, s/ b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce.

This present encyclopedia contains reviewed information and photographs connected to the lives and works of 2023 Turkish Authors who have produced work in all branches of Turkish Literature and Social Sciences.
« The Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors really is a extraordinary work. Here you will find an answer to every biographical question with abundant, clear verification for each enquiry. This is not only an encyclopedia of authors, but a lierary monument. »

Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors. People of Literature, Culture and Science Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors. People of Literature, Culture and Science 975933108X Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors. People of Literature, Culture and Science