403 s, renkli ve s/b resimler, İngilizce makaleler.
Chronology and Stratigraphy
- Mariana Thater / White Painted Pottery in Early Bronze Age Troy
- Mariya Ivanova / Stratigraphy and Architecture of Troy I: the Excavations in »Schliemann’s Trench«
- Peter Pavúk / Dating of the Pinnacle in square E4/5, Dörpfeld Stratigraphy andFormation Processes at Troy
- Peter Jablonka / Beyond the Citadel: A Map of Greater Early Bronze Age Troy61 Göksel Sazcı and Devrim Çalış Sazcı The Troy III Period in Light of Recent Excavations
- Stephan W. E. Blum / The Final Stages of the Early Bronze Age at Troy: Cultural Development,Chronology, and Interregional Contacts
Cultural Development and Interregional
- Barbara Horejs – Bernhard Weninger / Early Troy and its significance for the Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia
- Halime Hüryılmaz / Yenibademli and Troy: Reflection of Troy I Culture in the Light ofArchaeological Findings and Cultural Identity of Yenibademli
- Hayat Erkanal and Vasıf Şahoğlu / Liman Tepe, an Early Bronze Age Trade Center in Western Anatolia:Recent Investigations
- Vasıf Şahoğlu / Early Bronze Age Cemeteries at Bakla Tepe: Changing Patterns
- Göksel Sazcı / The Metal Finds of the 3rd Millennium in Troy and their Counterpartsin the Early Bronze Age World
- Eylem Özdoğan / Kanlıgeçit – an Anatolian Model of an Urban Center inEastern Thrace: an Overview
- Lydia Berger – Walter Gauss / Early Bronze Age Aegina Kolonna: A View from a Southwest Aegean Centre
- Martin G. Hristov / Dubene and its Probable Contacts with the Aegaeo-Anatolian Region
- Krassimir P. Leshtakov / Troy and Upper Thrace: What Happened in the EBA 3?(Interrelations Based on Pottery Evidence)
Emergence of Stratified Societies
- John Bintliff / Early Bronze Age Troy and the Emergence of Complex Societies in the Aegean
- Özlem Çevik – Mehmet Sağır / The Rise of the Elites on both Sides of the Aegean Sea
- Thomas Zimmermann / Early Bronze Age Elites: A fresh look at some old and new evidencefrom West and Central Anatolia
Economy and Trade
- Canan Çakırlar / Early Bronze Age Foodways in the Aegean: Social Archaeozoologyon the Eastern Side
- Diane Thumm-Doğrayan / Storage Strategies in Early Bronze Age Troy
- Simone Riehl and Elena Marinova / The Interplay of Environmental Change, Socio-political Stress and Human Resilience at Early to Middle Bronze Age Troy
Production and Distribution of Raw Materials and Craft Specialization
- Christoph Bachhuber / The Industry and Display of Textiles in Early Bronze Age Western Anatolia
- Neyir Kolankaya-Bostancı / New Interpretations of Early Bronze Age Obsidian Procurement and Distribution in Western Anatolia
- Ivan Gatsov – Petranka Nedelcheva / Early Bronze Age Lithic Assemblages from Troia
- Maria Gurova / Troy I–V Chipped Stone Assemblages: Functional Connotations379 Sinan Ünlüsoy Troy and the Aegean During the Third Millenium BC