DUB.SAR É.DUB.BA.A - Veysel Donbaz'a Sunulan Yazılar

Studies Presented in Honour of Veysel Donbaz
%20 İndirim
450,00 TL 360,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9786055607180
Saat 15 öncesi verilen siparişler bugün kargoya verilir.

300 s, s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca ve Fransızca makaleler.


  • Dönmez, Şevket / Önsöz – Akademisyen Müzeci
  • Dönmez, Şevket / Preface – Academician Museum Expert
  • Dinarlı, Gözde / Akademisyen Müzeci Veysel Donbaz’ın Biyografisi ve Bilimsel Çalışmaları
  • Dinarlı, Gözde / The Biography and Scientific Studies of Academician Museum Expert Veysel Donbaz
  • Donbaz, Doris / Was uns Betrifft- ‘Festschriftliches‘ zum 70. Geburtstag Veysel Donbaz’ von Doris Donbaz, Geb. Wieland.
  • İbrahimhakkıoğlu, Uğur / Üyemiz Veysel Donbaz
  • Akdeniz, Engin / Katakekaumene’nin (Yanık Arazi) Erken Dönemlerine Dair Yeni Saptamalar
  • Albenda, Pauline / Wall Reliefs of Ashurnasirpal II from the Southwest Palace, Nimrud
  • Aydıngün, Şengül – Esma Reyhan / Sakalını Tutan Bir Erkek Figür, Hitit Tapınak Görevlilerinden LÚAlan.zu9 Olabilir mi?
  • Böhme, Sabine / Eigentümerwechsel im „Haus des Beschwörungspriesters“ von Assur gegen Ende der 2. Hälfte des 7. Jahrhunderts
  • Charpin, Dominique / Les pouvoirs locaux à l’époque paléo-babylonienne: le cas du maire et des anciens de harradum
  • Colbow, Gudrun / An Iconographic Motive from the Reign of Šamši-Adad I with A Truly Local Air?
  • Dandamayev, Muhammad A. / A Verdict of Royal Judges in Babylon during the Reign of Nabonidus
  • Dercksen, Jan Gerrit / Anitta and the Man of Purušhanda
  • Dietrich, M. – O. Loretz / Baal Thront in Mythisch-Göttlicher Grösse über S:Apunu und Meer Epigraphie, Kolometrie und Kult in KTU 1.101:1-18 77
  • Dinçol, Ali – Belkıs Dinçol / Drei Hieroglyphische Tripodstempel aus der Perk Sammlung
  • Doğan-Alparslan, Meltem – Metin Alparslan – Celal Özdemir / Amasya Müzesi’nde Bulunan Bir Grup Mühür
  • Dönmez, Şevket / New General Observations on Protohistoric Period in Anatolia
  • Durand, Jean-Marie / Un centre benjaminite aux portes de Mari: Réflexions sur le caractère mixte de la population du royaume de Mari
  • Faist, Betina – Evelyn Klengel-Brandt / Die Siegel der Stadtvorsteher von Assur
  • Forlanini, Massimo / New Evidence and Recent Suggestions on the Anatolia Geography in the Old Assyrian Period
  • Foster, Benjamin R. / On Personnel in Sargonic Girsu
  • George, A.R. / Assyrian Texts from the Folios of Sidney Smith
  • Biga, Maria Giovanna / More on Relations Between Ebla and ?arran at the Time of the Eblaite Royal Archives (24th Century BC)
  • Hertel, Thomas Klitgaard – Mogens Trolle Larsen / Situating Legal Strategies on reading Mesopotamian law cases
  • Horowitz, Wayne / Vat 17081: A Forerunner to the Menology of Astrolabe B
  • Jean, Cynthia / De la montagne à la fosse: enquête sur le terme gab’u
  • Matthiae, Paolo / Une note sur Sargon II et l’historie de l’ekal mašarti
  • Maul, Stefan M. / Ein Assyrer rezitiert ein sumerisches Preislied auf die «Schreibkunst» oder: von der unerwarteten Aussprache des Sumerischen
  • Michalowski, Piotr / On the Names of Some Early Ancient Near Eastern Royal Women and on a Seal Impression from Karum Kanesh
  • Michel, Cécile / The Day Unit within the Old Assyrian Calendar
  • Naza-Dönmez, E. Emine / Edirne Askeri Kassamına Ait Bazı Tereke Defterlerindeki Eşyaların Sanat Tarihi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
  • Pedersén, Olof – Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum / On the Early Modern History of the Clay Tablets Now in the Babylon Collection of the Archaeological Museums in Istanbul
  • Sasson, Jack M. / On the “Išhi-Addu” Seal from Qatna with Comments on Qatna Personnel in the OB Period
  • Svärd, Saana / “Maid of the King” (Géme ša šarri) in the Neo-Assyrian Texts
  • Şenyurt, S. Yücel / Ovaören-Göstesin Geç Hitit/Luwi Hiyeroglif Yazıtı
  • Ünal, Ahmet / Pandora Kutusu ve Eski Anadolu Mitolojileri
  • Ünal, Ahmet – K. Serdar Girginer / Tatarlı Höyük Kazılarında Bulunan “Anadolu Hiyeroglifli” Damga Mühür Baskısı
  • Veenhof, Klaas R. / The Interpretation of Paragraphs t and u of the Code of Hammurabi
  • Waetzoldt, Hartmut / Ni-iK-Tum, Ni-Gi4-Tum und Ni-iK-Tum al-la-_ha-ru*
DUB.SAR É.DUB.BA.A - Veysel Donbaz'a Sunulan Yazılar DUB.SAR É.DUB.BA.A - Veysel Donbaz'a Sunulan Yazılar 9786055607180 DUB.SAR É.DUB.BA.A - Veysel Donbaz'a Sunulan Yazılar