Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954
Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954

Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954

A critical review
ISBN-ISSN: 9781407356587
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BAR International Series 2954 - 2019

Foreign-run excavations are a significant component of archaeological research in Turkey, however, conservation work carried out at these excavations has never been examined holistically. B. Nilgün Öz investigates archaeological conservation at foreign-run excavations at 19 sites across Turkey to identify the scale and nature of differing contributions, determining changing approaches and issues impacting conservation practices, as well as possible catalysts, influences and driving forces. Through a systematic appraisal of the variety of conservation work between 1979 and 2014, this research contributes to a wider understanding of the dynamics of archaeological heritage management and archaeological conservation as it is practiced in Turkey at foreign-run projects. This thought-provoking and timely book will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of archaeology, architecture, conservation, heritage and history.

222 s, s/b ve renkli figürler,tablolar, İngilizce.

Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954 Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954 9781407356587 Conservation Practices at Foreign-run Archaeological Excavations in Turkey - BAR International Series 2954