Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis
Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis

Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis

ISBN-ISSN: 0892364653
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

312 s, renkli resimler, İngilizce.

Greek vases are one of the world's finest ceramic traditions. Even before a vase became a painted masterpiece, its graceful lines and elegant proportions made it a masterpiece of form.

Athenian Vase Construction details in a comprehensive, step-by-step fashion the manner in which the major Athenian vases were made. Photographs of pottery from the Getty Museum and other collections provide ancient evidence -from the interiors and exteriors of the pots themselves- as to how they were formed and constructed, while line drawings illustrate how the potter worked.

Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis 0892364653 Athenian Vase Construction. A Potter's Analysis