Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011

Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011

449,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 1434-2758
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver

AMIT 43, 2011

312 s, s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, İngilizce makaleler.

  • In memoriam Ezat O. Negahban

Table of Contents:

  • Fazeli Nashli, H., Beshkani, A., Markosian, A., Ilkani, H. and Young, R., The Neolithic to Chalcolithic transition in the Qazvin Plain, Iran: Chronology and subsistence strategies
  • Aliyev, T. and Helwing, B. Kamiltepe in the Milsteppe. Archaeological research 2009
  • Rostunov, V. L. , Ljachov, S. and Reinhold, S., Tsmi - An open site of the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Northern Ossetia (North Caucasus)
  • Kaniuth, K., Herles, M., and Shejko, K., Tilla Bulak 2008 - Preliminary report of the second campaign
  • P'jankova, L. T. , Litvinskij, B. A., Bobomulloev, S., Kaniuth, K. and Teufer, M., The Bronze Age cemetery of Makonimor, Tajikistan
  • Sverchkov, L. M., A history of research on ancient mining in Uzbekistan
  • Mansfeld, G., The "Sledge" of Nin Pu-Abi = the wagon of Lugal Sa[g]-pad-da
  • Piller, C. K., Mahfroozi, A., Bagherpour, N., Neumann, T. and Öğüt, B., First preliminary report on the joint Iranian-German excavations at Gohar Tappe, Mazandaran, Iran
  • Özfırat, A., Pre-Classical Survey in Eastern Turkey. Sixth Preliminary Report: Lake Van Basin and Ağrı Dağ Region
  • Özfırat, A., Excavation of the Bozkurt Kurgan Cemetery, 2007: First Preliminary Report
  • Işıklı, M. and Erdem, A. Ü., A Group of Early Iron Age Pottery from the Erzurum Region
  • Hassanzadeh, Y., Qal'e Bardineh, a Mannaean local chiefdom in the Bukan Area, North-Western Iran
  • Babaev, I., Mehnert, G. and Knauß, F. S., The Achaemenid residence on the Gurban Tepe. Excavations near Karacamirli. 3rd preliminary report
  • Ruffing, K., The 'Satrap list' of Dareios: Herodotan construct or reality?
  • Fedorov, M., Money Circulation in Central Asia under the Arab Caliphate


  • B. Lyonnet, Les Cultures du Caucase (VIe-IIIe millénaires avant notre ère). Leurs relations avec le Proche-Orient. Editions Recherche sur les Civilistions (CRNS Editions, Paris 2007) (S. Reinhold)


  • Ezat O. Negahban. 1926-2008 (A. Alizadeh) Massoud Azarnoush. (H. Fahimi and B. Helwing)
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011 1434-2758 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 43, 2011