Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005

Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005

ISBN-ISSN: 1434-2758-37
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Sahaf

AMIT 37, 2005

462 s, renkli ve s/b resimler, sert kapak ciltli, ingilizce ve almanca makaleler.


Mountains and Valleys. A symposium on highland - lowland interaction in the Bronze Age setlement systems of Eastern Anatolia, Transcaucasia and Northwestern Iran, 9.-13. August 2004, Van, Turkey

  • Helwing, B. / Özfirat, A. (Eds.), /  Mountains and Valleys. A symposium on Highland - Lowland Interaction in the Bronze Age settlement systems of Eastern Anatolia, Transcaucasia and Northwestern Iran 9.-13. August 2004, Van, Turkey 1
  • Fazeli Nashli, H., Abbasnezhad Sereshti, R. / Social transformation and interregional interaction in the Qazvin Plain during the 5th, 4th and 3rd millennia B.C.
  • Varro, C. / Cultural duality in Eastern Anatolia and Transcaucasia in Late Prehistory (c. 4200-2300 B.C.)
  • Ökse. T. A. / Early Bronze Age settlement pattern and cultural structure of the Sivas region 
  • Rothman, M. S. /Transcaucasians: Settlement, migration, and trade in the Kura-Araxes periods 
  • Di Nocera, G. M. / Mobility and stability: Preliminary observations on Early Bronze Age sett- e'nent organisation in the Malatya Plain     
  • Areshi an, G. E. / Early Bronze Age settlements in the Ararat Plain and its vicinity
  • Ashurov, S. G. / An introduction to Bronze Age sites in the Sarur plain.
  • Dönmez, Ş. / The Central Black Sea Region and the Kelkit River basin settlements in the Bronze Age
  • Kroll. S. / Early Bronze Age settlement patterns in the Orumiye Basin
  • Fahimi, H. / Kura-Araxes type pottery from Gilän and the eastern extension of the Early Transcaucasian Culture   
  • Robi nson, K. S. / Second millennium B.C. painted potteries and problems of terminologies .
  • Özfırat, A. / Transhumance on the Eastern Anatolian High Plateau in the 2nd mill. B.C.
  • Bartl, P. V. / The Middle Bronze Age on the Upper Tigris: new evidence from the excavations a: Giricano and Ziyaret Tepe 
  • Sevin, V. / Who were the naked warriors of Hakkari?
  • Mutafayev, M. M. / Narimankend necropolis.
  • Bedianashvili, G. / The Namgalamitsa Barrows and their cultural environment.
  • Apakidze, J. / Towards the study of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age settlements and sett- e~ent systems of the Colchian Culture in Western Georgia.


  • Azarnoush, M. and Helwing, B., Recent archaeological research in Iran - Prehistory to Iron Age.
  • Boroffka, N. G. O. / Sorrel, Ph. / Alimov, K. (f), Baratov, S., Rachimov, K., Saparov, N., Sirinov, T., Reinhardt, C. und Wünnemann, B., / Prospektionen am südlichen Aralsee, Uzbekistan.
  • Yaago din, V. N. / The Medieval Aral Sea Crisis.
  • Bertram, J.-K. und P’ic’xelauri, K. / Vorbericht zu den Ausgrabungsarbeiten in Udabno Dstgeorgien) im Jahre 2005   
  • Çavuşoglu, R. / A unique Urartian belt in the Van Museum.
  • Salvini M. / Der Turmtempel (susi) von Bastäm.
  • Bajpakov, K. M. und Ternovaja, G. A. / Tönerne Architekturornamentik aus Zetysu    
Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005 1434-2758-37 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan Band 37, 2005