Varia Anatolica XXVII
439 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce makaleler.
Table of Contents
- Avant-propos
- Introduction
- Marro, Catherine / Is there a Post-Ubaid culture? Reflections on the transition from the Ubaid to the Uruk periods along the Fertile Crescent and beyond
- Frangipane, Marcella / “Transitions” as an archaeological concept. Interpreting the final Ubaid - Late Chalcolithic transition in the northern periphery of Mesopotamia
Section 1. The Khabur region in the Post-Ubaid period
- Oates, Joan / The Terminal Ubaid (LC 1) Level at Tell Brak
- Jayyab, Khaled Abu / A ceramic chronology from Tell Hamoukar's southern extension
- Baldi, Johnny Samuele / Tell Feres al-Sharqi in the LC 1-2 period. Serial production and regionalisation of ceramic traditions: a perspective from a small rural site
- Baldi, Johnny Samuele - Khaled Abu Jayyab / A comparison of the ceramic assemblages from Tell Feres al-Sharqi and Hamoukar
Section 2. The Euphrates and Orontes basins in the Post-Ubaid period
- Yamazaki, Yayoi / The Terminal Ubaid assemblage of Tell al-‘Abr and its identity
- Helwing, Barbara / The Oylum Höyük western terrace Post-Ubaid assemblage and its place within the Late Chalcolithic of Western Asia
- Balossi-Restelli, Francesca / The beginning of the Late Chalcolithic occupation at Arslantepe, Malatya
- Giannessi, Deborah / Tell Afis and the northern Orontes region in the Post-Ubaid period
- Balossi-Restelli, Francesca - Barbara Helwing / Traditions west of the Euphrates at the beginning of the Late Chalcolithic. Characteristics, definitions, and supra-regional correlations
Section 3. Beyond the Fertile Crescent in the Post-Ubaid period: another world?
- Gülçur, Sevil - Catherine Marro / The view from the north: comparative analysis of the Chalcolithic pottery assemblages from Norşuntepe and Ovçular Tepesi
- Caneva, Isabella - Giulio Palumbi - Antonia Pasquino / The Ubaid impact on the periphery: Mersin-Yumuktepe during the fifth millennium BC
Section 4. Overviews
- Baldi, Johnny Samuele / Coba bowls, mass-production and social change in Post-Ubaid times
- Thomalsky, Judith / Lithic industries of the Ubaid and Post-Ubaid period in northern Mesopotamia