Adalya 26 (2023)
Adalya 26 (2023)

Adalya 26 (2023)

1.200,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 1301-2746-26
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Saat 15:00 öncesi verilen siparişler bugün kargoya verilir.
388 s, s/b resimler, İngilizce makaleler, Türkçe özetler.

Güzel Öztürk
Cultural Continuity from the Kaˉrum Period to the Hittite Empire Period in Light of Stamp Seals and Impressions

Müge Bulu
Contextualizing the Consumption of Syro-Cilician Ware at Tell Atchana / Alalakh (Hatay, Türkiye): A Functional Analysis

Gülgüney Masalcı Şahin – Özlem Sir Gavaz

New Tablet Fragments on Dreams from the Boğazkale Archive

Aytaç Dönmez – Halil Mert Erdoğan
Xanthos West Agora III: Dynastic Nele

Oğuz Tekin
Weights of Alexandria in the Troad: Forms, Types, Units, and Chronology

Erkan Alkaç – Beste Tomay
Amphora Stamps of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Myra and its Harbor Neighborhood of Andriake

Mehmet Özhanlı
New Votive Plates Discovered in the Temple of Men and its Sanctuary in Pisidian Antioch

Asuman Coşkun
Abuagla Nominative and Genitive Endings of Some Epichoric Personal Names in Light of Inscriptions from Tymbriada

Nergis Ataç – Guntram Koch
Figürliche Reliefs frühchristlicher Zeit in Kleinasien (4.-6. / 7. Jahrhundert n.Chr.)

Orçun Erdoğan – Hatice Pamir
The Temple Church at Epiphaneia in Cilicia Pedias and its Terracotta Frieze

Yavuz Selim Güler
A Roman Steelyard with a Control Inscription from the Roman Imperial Period in the Pera Museum

Mehmet Önal – Sevcan Ölçer
Research on the History, Function and Architectural Features of the Harran Saqiyas

Seçkin Evcim
The Discovery in Olympus (Lycia) of One of the Oldest Known Paintings of Christ Pantocrator with a Discussion of its Iconography

Reyhan Yirşen
The Problem of Piracy in Commercial Relations between the Ottoman State and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies (Sicilyateyn) between 1740 and 1804

Ahmet Kısa
Antalya Junior High School as the First Example Reflecting the Ottoman Modern Educational Approach in Antalya

Evren Dayar
Three Periods of Antalya in the 19th Century
Adalya 26 (2023) Adalya 26 (2023) 1301-2746-26 Adalya 26 (2023)