A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State)
A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State)

A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State)

450,00 TL
ISBN-ISSN: 9751605717
Fiyatı Düşünce Haber Ver
Kategori: Tarih

Çeviri : Ahmet Edip Uysal, editör: Erdoğan Mercil - H.Y. Nuhoğlu, önsöz: Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. 436 s., İngilizce.

A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State) A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State) 9751605717 A Short History of Turkish-Islamic States (Excluding the Ottoman State)